From the course: Supply Chain Foundations: Project Management

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Analyzing supply chain processes using SIPOC

Analyzing supply chain processes using SIPOC

From the course: Supply Chain Foundations: Project Management

Analyzing supply chain processes using SIPOC

- Supply chains are made up of processes that are linked together. As project managers, we often need to do some analysis to understand how our projects will affect our supply chain processes. In this video, I'll show you a tool called a SIPOC that we can use to quickly analyze any process in a supply chain. SIPOC is an acronym for five elements that are found in every process, suppliers, inputs, process, outputs and customers. Let's look at the five parts of a SIPOC by examining a process that every business deals with. Printing an invoice for a customer. First, the suppliers are the people or organizations that provide things that the process requires. For printing an invoice, there are suppliers for physical things, including the companies that make the printer, the toner and the paper. But we also need information in order to print the invoice, and the supplier for that information is the sales department.…
