From the course: Success Strategies for Women in the Workplace

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Everyday motivation

Everyday motivation

- Some days, I wake up and I just can't be bothered. Some days I wake up and my energy is low, I am tired, lacking focus and motivation. We don't usually acknowledge or accept that in professional environments, but it's real. I know you have those days too, we all do. We're not robots designed to operate at the same pace in the same way every day. Whilst this is true, our motivation is not just something totally outside of our control though. They're all things that we can do to improve our everyday motivation to practically increase our focus. And I will share some of these strategies with you. Firstly, we do not achieve an outcome by focusing on the outcome itself, but instead by becoming laser-focused on the actions that can bring about the outcome. This may seem obvious, but when it comes to feeling motivated or feeling confident, we often shoot only for that feeling itself. We wake up one morning feeling low energy…
