From the course: Strategic Planning: Case Studies

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Organize and allocate resources

Organize and allocate resources

- Mapping resources to initiatives, and ensuring they have all the resources they need to succeed, helps ensure your strategy actually gets executed. Batter Up has decided to focus, and only pursue one initiative immediately. They'll pursue the others once this first one is launched. This is to quickly build their player base to replace those players they lost from their exit from the elite leagues. Their number one idea is launching a high school recreational baseball and softball league. They have all the infrastructure in place. They just need to market and add games to the schedule. Their next idea is the recreational basketball league. This can grow the player base dramatically, but it's going to take a lot of coordination, effort, and marketing to be able to fully launch it. Their third idea is launching the miracle league. This will be a huge win on fun and community relations. It'll take a lot of effort and money to launch…
