From the course: Strategic Planning: Case Studies

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Determine how to compete

Determine how to compete

- Acme has to make a big decision in terms of how they compete. Do they keep competing in a commodity market that's under siege? Or do they move up market and differentiate their offerings? Given market dynamics, they've decided to abandon commodity programs and start creating and delivering their own proprietary offerings. Acme decides to work with five key customers to co-develop offerings they can then take to new clients. They'll create these programs based on client needs and skill gaps identified by the client. To deliver these programs, Acme's going to need to increase the skill level of it's trainers. During the transition, Acme will continue offering commodity programs to clients, to fund it's shift to differentiated offerings. They'll need to reinvest in hiring more experienced trainers, building the skills of their existing trainers and in new sales and marketing efforts for the new course launches. To…
