From the course: Strategic Planning: Case Studies

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Assess the initiative portfolio

Assess the initiative portfolio

- Assessing your initiative portfolio is a critical element of ensuring you have a diversified plan and an appropriate balance of risk. Assess the risk associated with the slate of initiatives your organization is pursuing. Widgets Deluxe has decided to pursue four ideas. Lets look how that plays out in terms of timing and risk. Their first idea is launching that super deluxe widget, this is a long-term idea with moderate risk. There's some questions about consumer and competitive risk if they launch it. They're looking at widget refills via mail order, this is a long-term project that's high risk. This is a new channel for them, there's going to be some retail cannibalization and there are questions about consumer receptivity to the idea. Their next idea is improving their supply chain, this is going to have short-term impact and it's pretty low-risk, they're really good at supply chain and optimizing it for performance.…
