From the course: SQL for Data Analysis

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Finding possible inaccurate data values

Finding possible inaccurate data values - SQL Tutorial

From the course: SQL for Data Analysis

Finding possible inaccurate data values

- [Presenter] Next, we'll take a look at using SQL functions to find some possible bad data values. Sometimes, we'll run across data that doesn't look right at all, like a misspelled word or a product that was giving the wrong product code. A great tip in application development is to search for possible anomalies in our data and be prepared for dealing with it in our app. There are several different operators you can use to gain more insights about your data. To do this, we'll look at three types of SQL operator: comparison, logical, and arithmetic. Comparison operators compare values and return a true or false to evaluate the statement. Some common comparison operators in SQL are equal, not equal, greater than or greater than or equal to, less than or less than or equal to. If I compare an apple and an orange by color and taste, would they be the same? No, so the operation would turn a result of false. We compare two…
