From the course: SQL Essential Training

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The query writing area

The query writing area - SQL Tutorial

From the course: SQL Essential Training

The query writing area

- Let's take a look at the third important area that we should get familiar with in our DB Browser for SQLite database software. So, we took a look at the Database Structure. We also took a look at the Browse Data. Now, let's take a look at the Execute SQL tab. Now, at the moment, it looks pretty blank, but, I can tell you, we are going to be spending quite a significant number of time within this area. This is where the magic happens. This is where we compose our SQL or S Q L statements and discover the results of those queries. Now, let me point out some main components that we should take a note of at the moment. Up here, we have two play buttons, and this allows us to execute, or run, the code that we will be writing within this area. Now, where will we actually be writing or composing? Well, you see where my cursor is blinking here? I'm just typing in random words at the moment, but this is where we'll be composing our…
