From the course: SQL Essential Training

The browse data area - SQL Tutorial

From the course: SQL Essential Training

The browse data area

- [Host] Okay, we're doing fantastic. We've just taken a look at the database structure area. Now let's take a look at the other main area of our DB browser for SQL Light database management software that is going to be important to get familiar with. So in the browse data tab, what does it allow us to do? Well, we do see here, under the table dropdown we have listed all 11 of the tables that we observed in the database structure. So one of the main differences here is, the database structure shows us the structure of the house so to speak, the framing, how it's built out. Now, the browse data tab is allowing us to see what is within that structure. So if you recall, we did take a look at the album table and saw that within the database structure there were three fields album ID, title, and artist ID. In the browse data tab, we're able to access that same album table and now instead of just seeing the structure we're seeing what's housed within that table. So we're actually seeing the data that's stored within there. So every role here that we see is a record of information that's stored within the album table. For instance, record number one the album ID has an ID of one. The title is Vector Vixens Volume two and the artist ID is one. So browse data allows us to access these tables and get another point of view, a point of reference of what's housed within them. It's the exact same method I employ still to this day. That gets me up to speed quickly in understanding a new database and what might be housed within it.
