From the course: SQL Essential Training

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Preparing for a Non-Technical Interview

Preparing for a Non-Technical Interview - SQL Tutorial

From the course: SQL Essential Training

Preparing for a Non-Technical Interview

- [Instructor] Great job so far, you've gained the fundamental knowledge and skills necessary to work with SQL databases effectively. Now it's time to put your skills to the test in a job application simulation. In this simulation, imagine yourself as a candidate for the position of SQL Data Analyst at Red 30 Tech. And this role requires at least two years of experience in developing and maintaining databases and data systems. Along with a passion for creating data visualizations and providing actionable insights. You'll be presented with a set of non-technical and technical questions, simulating a real job interview. The non-technical questions are designed to assess your communication skills and ability to articulate your thoughts effectively. For these questions, you'll be prompted to pause the video, think about how you'd respond and record your responses using your mobile phone and review them later for self-evaluation and…
