From the course: SQL Essential Training

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Learning tips

Learning tips

- [Instructor] Before we go any further, I'd .like to point out some tips or strategies that's going to help you succeed in learning SQL. The first one is to type everything out, all of the SQL queries that you are going to have introduced to you throughout the course. It's going to be important to not just simply look at it and move on, but pause and write out all of the syntax that you get introduced to. The reason for this is, it's going to help you reinforce some of the concepts that's going to be introduced as well as learn how to work through the inevitable errors that you will encounter as you start to get more familiar. Secondly, I'd like to point out the importance of taking natural language questions and converting those into the equivalent SQL statement. So if you get a request from a manager or someone who's asking you about the data that you have stored, for instance how many customers do we have in our…
