From the course: SQL Essential Training

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Column custom names

Column custom names - SQL Tutorial

From the course: SQL Essential Training

Column custom names

- [Lecturer] Let's get into something that's pretty important with regard to communication of your query results. Now, often the technical language of a database will differ from the common language of a business. If we look at our example here the way that our WSDA music database stores the first name in the customer table is not in the most readable way. Now what I'm referring to is the column name. First name is all one word even though it really is two distinct words the same goals for last name. In SQL, we have ways of improving the communication of our results to our business audience. And we do this via something called aliases. Aliases allow us to rename our columns to names that are more appropriate to the business. So in our example here we have first name, last name, email, and WSDA Music Management usually refers to these particular columns as customer first name, customer last name and customer email.…
