From the course: SQL Essential Training

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Analysis and administration

Analysis and administration - SQL Tutorial

From the course: SQL Essential Training

Analysis and administration

- Before we do anything else, I want to pause and recognize the great strides that got us to this point. You deserve an official shout out for being determined, sticking with it, pushing through, and taking this step that's bound to future-proof your career. Okay. We've learned a lot of commands and clauses and statements that allow us to respond to data inquiries and discover trends, insights, and opportunities. However, how would we respond if we were tasked by WSDA music with adding a new employee to the database or updating a customer's phone number or deleting a song from the catalog? Every one of these actions, adding, updating, and deleting changes or manipulates the data in our database in some way. In SQL, there are a few specific set of commands that together are called data manipulation language or DML for short and these are SQL statements used to change or alter data stored in the tables of a database. DML…
