From the course: Soft Skills for Cybersecurity Professionals

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Soft skill groupings

Soft skill groupings

- The list of possible soft skills you can bring to the table is fairly extensive. Over the course of my career though, I've found a core set of soft skills to be incredibly helpful. I group those skills into four categories based on lessons I've learned over the years. Communication is key. Don't be afraid to dig deep. Keep learning. And big-picture thinking. The InfoSec industry is full of smart people, and you're no exception. You've got a lot of knowledge you can use to help people do what they want to do securely. But can you convey that knowledge in a way that's going to hit home? Before you can communicate effectively with your audience, you need to understand them. Understanding general human behavior helps, too. One of the best ways you can develop these skills is by engaging the InfoSec community. Networking with people who are willing to share their experiences and their perspectives. Analytical…
