From the course: Social Media Marketing Strategy: TikTok and Instagram Reels

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Understanding the unique selling points of Instagram Reels

Understanding the unique selling points of Instagram Reels

From the course: Social Media Marketing Strategy: TikTok and Instagram Reels

Understanding the unique selling points of Instagram Reels

- Let's talk about why Instagram Reels can be a great place for brands to engage their social media strategy. First, Reels is a perfect place to share your brand message if your target audience is already on Instagram. If you've got an Instagram presence or if you're done your market research and have identified large portions of your audience use Instagram, it only makes sense to meet them where they are. Using the proven formula of snappy, engaging short form videos to educate, entertain and inspire your audience, all while highlighting your brand's personality and values can turn Instagram followers into loyal customers. And again, it's all about anticipating the needs and wants of your target audience. - And I know that when I put this Reel out today, I know it's going to have impact because I know my ideal person goes to the same stuff I go through, and she thinks the same stuff I go through, and so that…
