From the course: Social Media Marketing Strategy: TikTok and Instagram Reels

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The role of short-form video in social media marketing

The role of short-form video in social media marketing

From the course: Social Media Marketing Strategy: TikTok and Instagram Reels

The role of short-form video in social media marketing

- Short form video is a perfect medium for both brand marketing and content marketing tactics. That's because effective short form video helps you authentically present your brand, drawing audiences in by creating trust and increasing customer confidence and loyalty. That's especially important because research shows that about 90% of consumers say authenticity is important when deciding which brands they prefer. Depending on the social media platform, there are different strategies for what short form video actually looks and feels like. Each platform contains different ideal metrics for length, format, style and target audience. A slickly produced two minute video on YouTube might capture millions of views, but it wouldn't be right for TikTok. There are lots of marketing sites that tout all sorts of recommendations for social media video. And these are changing and evolving all the time. Now most platforms say shorter…
