From the course: Social Media Marketing: Strategy and Optimization

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Influencer marketing and the creator economy

Influencer marketing and the creator economy

- [Instructor] There's no doubt marketing and the creator economy are on the rise, because both creators and influencers have built followings based on their passions, and brands are eager to work with them. Yet, it isn't always easy finding influencers who are the right fit for your customers and your brand. If you have a big budget, you may want to consider digital or traditional stars, but maybe you'd rather build a closer relationship with influencers. That's where a more niche group like micro-influencers come in. Micro influencers have fewer than 10,000 followers, and because of that, their rates are considerably lower than stars. Or you could work with nano-influencers who have between 1,000 and 5,000 followers. And while their reach may be low, they often drive high engagement because their followers almost consider them a friend. This brings us to the creator economy, which is all the ways influencers and…
