From the course: Social Media Marketing: Strategy and Optimization

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How to refine your brand's social media content mix

How to refine your brand's social media content mix

From the course: Social Media Marketing: Strategy and Optimization

How to refine your brand's social media content mix

- With so many uncertainties and all the content marketing changes, it's tough to stay on top of the latest tool or app. And the question you should be asking is whether your content resonates with your customers. Are they clicking and sharing, or passing you by? Understanding your customers and their needs always was and always will be the key to your marketing and content marketing strategy. Get a handle on your customers by digging into who they are. Look at their demographics, behaviors, purchases, questions, and any other customer relationship data your business may have. From there, uncover insights and trends. Think about your customer's day, what social media networks they're on, what they need in the moment, and how you can help. If you're a brand like Topsy Turvy, perhaps you could focus on shoppable photos that highlight your products, or videos with baking and party tips. The range of ideas is endless…
