From the course: Social Media Marketing: Strategy and Optimization

How to identify and segment your customers

- [Narrator] Let me ask you something, how well do you know your customers and why they believe in your brand? Are you their go-to source? Would they recommend you to their friends? To dig into these types of customer insights, you need to understand your audience and what motivates them. And that's where audience segmentation comes in. A good place to start is by segmenting your customers by demographics like income, education, household size, age, job, and so on. Demographics are an effective way to dig into the socioeconomic data and identify patterns that can help you target your messages more effectively. For instance, a financial services firm, like Globe Bank, is trying to attract more diverse young entrepreneurs. They could create a promoted Instagram campaign featuring pictures of successful business people with testimonials for the bank. But demographics are just part of the picture. You also need to understand how your customers think and feel, their perceptions of your competitors and your brand. Do they respond to emotional stories or would they prefer more fact based information? What are their values? And how do those values shape their attitudes? These are examples of psychographic targeting, a way to get a handle on how your customers think. Just remember, that any information you collect should be permission based and adhere to the prevailing rules and regulations and that you have safeguards in place to protect your customer privacy. Now let's look at behavioral data, or what your customers actually do. When they see your post on Instagram, do they stop and respond to your call to action? Do they sign up or place a repeat order? Do they write you a five star review? Taken together, demographics, psychographics, and behavior helps you paint a clear picture of your customers and what matters to them. Of course, you should also pay attention to which content engages your audience and how much time they spend with it and familiarize yourself with the social media platforms your customers are on and whether or not they want to interact with you there. You can do that through social listening to find out where your customers are active, what your competitors are doing and any gaps or opportunities you could fill. Most marketers know their brand and what it stands for, what's equally important is getting a handle on your customer's perceptions and what makes them act and then creating social media content that gives them exactly what they want and need.
