From the course: Smartsheet Essential Training

Navigate around Smartsheet

Before we jump into working with sheets, let's take a quick look at the Smartsheet interface. The main navigation area is on the left side of the screen here, and you can see I currently have "home" selected. Home is where you can quickly access the files that are most relevant to you, like sheets, reports, or other items you've recently worked with here on the right, under the "suggested for you" area. You may not see anything here yet if you're just starting out with Smartsheet, but once you start working on sheets, they'll begin appearing here. This is also one of the places you can create new sheets with this "create new" button here. Below home, you'll find notifications where, as you've probably guessed, you'll find all of your notifications listed so you can quickly read through and respond to them. Below that is the "browse" folder where you can find, manage, and open all the items you're working on. Smartsheet is entirely cloud-based, so all of your documents are just a couple clicks away from here. Next is Recents, which gives you a quick access to the files that you've most recently worked on in chronological order. Then we have favorites. Any items you've marked as a favorite will show up here so you can quickly get to it no matter how recently or how long it's been since you've worked on it. The next button here is to launch work apps. Now, we're not really going to get into work apps in this course, but basically, they're a tool for building web and mobile-based apps directly from your sheets and other items. The plus button takes you to the create area or solution center, which is where you can create new sheets for a wide variety of projects. Here, you can access several templates for different types of sheets, or you can come up to the "Create new" button to create different types of sheets from scratch, access the Project Assistant, which can help you set up your project or import existing files from these four file types. And here in the lower left, we have the launcher, which gives you another way to access WorkApps. Again, we're not covering WorkApps here, but if you wanted to read more about WorkApps or anything Smartsheet-related, you can click the "Help' button, select "Get help" which opens up a new browser tab and takes you to Smartsheet's online help and learning center. We'll explore a bit of this area later as well. And the last button here is for accessing settings related to your Smartsheet account. Okay. So that's a quick overview of navigating around Smartsheet. You'll find that it's pretty easy and intuitive once you've started working with your own sheets and other items.
