From the course: Six Sigma: White Belt

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Implement pull systems to reduce waste

Implement pull systems to reduce waste

From the course: Six Sigma: White Belt

Implement pull systems to reduce waste

- [Narrator] I once walked into my son's first grade classroom. And I looked around, I saw all of these signs, small boxes on shelves, showing where things were located. The teacher said to me, "See, this is where our glue is located. And here are our staples. We put this card on top of the last box. And when someone takes the second to last box and sees the pink card, they know to stick it on the order board. Every Thursday, we then take the cards off of the board and place an order on Amazon of what we need to buy." This sounds like a simple system you might say, but in lean, that is called a pull system. The consumer signals the provider with an empty slot. This is a downstream pull. When processes make requests to proceeding processes. Proceeding processes then react by completing their function. In our example, when we get to the last glue, the pink card signals to replenish. This pull production process…
