From the course: Six Sigma Foundations

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Variation and the normal curve

Variation and the normal curve

From the course: Six Sigma Foundations

Variation and the normal curve

- Remember in school, when you were told that only a certain percentage of students would get an A, B, or C because the class is graded on a curve? Well that curve is the normal curve. In this movie, I will discuss variations and the normal curve. Let me illustrate with an example. How long does it take you to travel to work each morning? Maybe, average of 60 minutes. On some days, it is shortest of 45 minutes. While on other days, it may take as long as 75 minutes. And every day is a little different. It varies. It's what we call variations. Let's plot it. Each dot represents each day's travel time. The dots pile up vertically if travel times are the same. For no reason, it varies. Taking you longer on some days, and shorter on other days. The variation is random. As you can see, this natural, random variation forms a bell shaped curve. This bell shaped curve is called the normal curve. All normal…
