From the course: Six Sigma Foundations

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The control plan

The control plan

- How often is the temperature in your office not quite right? Maybe it's too hot or too cold, who decides? By the way, what is the desired temperature? When is it too cold and when is it too hot? And who is authorized to change the temperature? There is a tool to help you answer all those questions. It's called a control plan. The control plan is the blueprint for ensuring the right controls are implemented to achieve performance targets on a sustainable basis. It provides process owners and operators with the means to control a process so that it performs well day in and day out. That is why the control plan is so important during the control phase of a Six Sigma project. The control plan specifies one, what needs to be controlled. What needs to be controlled is called the control subject. Control subjects should be the relevant Y and any key X factors. In our office example, the control subject is temperature.…
