From the course: Six Sigma Foundations

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Steps in the Define phase

Steps in the Define phase

- The first phase of a Six Sigma project is the define phase. Let's start with a couple of questions that may be on your mind. Why even have the define phase? What is accomplish? As the name implies, this phase defines the project. What the project's all about, what it has to accomplish, by when, and by whom. The first step is to define the problem and goals statements. What specific problem or improvement opportunity is the project addressing? What is the goal of this project? In other words, what measurable performance outcome or target must the project accomplish? And by when? It defines the y, as in, what is the y in y as a function of x. Where y is the performance measure to be improved. The second step is to develop the project charter. The project charter is a document that describes the project. It includes the problem and goal statements, the project scope, the expected operational and financial…
