From the course: Six Sigma Foundations

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Steps in the Analyze phase

Steps in the Analyze phase

- Have you ever wondered why problems that were supposedly solved a few months ago, resurfaced? Why are we having this problem again? All too often problems that were solved, were not really solved because the true root causes were not properly diagnosed and addressed. That's why analysis has to be done correctly. So let's discuss the Analyze Phase and the steps involved. The Analyze Phase is the third phase of a Six Sigma Project. It is the A in DMAIC. The purpose of this phase is to answer the w word, why, why is there a problem? We have to determine which X's are the key factors that impact the problem Y, in the equation Y equals f of x. There are five steps in the Analyze Phase, Generate a list of potential X's that impact Y, Organize the potential X's, Shortlist and select the likely X's, Develop a data collection plan for the analysis, and Prove the key X's in Y equals f of x. Let's take a look at the…
