From the course: Six Sigma Foundations

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Sigma levels

Sigma levels

- What is Sigma Level? What do people mean when they say, "This process is performing at Three Sigma, or that's a Six Sigma process." In this movie I will discuss Six Sigma Level how it is used and what it means to be at Two Sigma, Three Sigma, or Six Sigma. Sigma Level is a performance metric used to indicate the quality level of a product, process, or service. The higher the Sigma Level, the better the performance. A Six Sigma Level of performance means that there are no more than 3.4 DPMO, or defects per million opportunities. That's equivalent to 99.99966% good. Here's a table showing the different levels of Sigma. Most products, services and processes operate between Three and Four Sigma Level. As you can see, the Sigma Level scale is not linear improving from Two Sigma to Three Sigma is a 5 times order of magnitude in a reduction of defects. But improving from Three Sigma to Four Sigma is ten times order of magnitude…
