From the course: Six Sigma Foundations

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Process capability and sigma level

Process capability and sigma level

From the course: Six Sigma Foundations

Process capability and sigma level

- Imagine you own an online retail company that promises delivery within 24 hours and the average delivery time reported for this month is 23 hours. This is the second month that it is 23 hours and everyone in the company is celebrating because 23 is less than the 24 hour maximum. But wait, why are there still so many complaints regarding late deliveries? Hm, in this movie I will discuss how to measure performance in terms of process capability and Sigma level. What is process capability? Process capability refers to how capable or how well the process performs against its target requirements or specifications. Most of us have driven into garages with height restrictions where there is a horizontal bar that hangs at the entrance. Cars drive right in without slowing down because cars are not tall and are very capable of meeting the maximum height allowed. But big trucks or SUVs always slow down at that entrance just to…
