From the course: Six Sigma Foundations

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Plan for data collection

Plan for data collection

- Let's assume you decide to get on a health and fitness program, what is the first thing you do? Well you probably want to know what is the current weight, how much you need to reduce to get to your desired target weight and what is the current level of activity, are you in good health and so on. These are very good questions to ask as you plan to collect data in order to measure where things stand today and to measure progress. Similarly, that's what you need to do in a Six Sigma project. In this movie I will discuss how to plan for data collection during the measure phase of a Six Sigma project. Why plan for data collection? Collecting data is not free or cheap, collecting data requires time, effort, and resources being tied up. All too often project teams who do not plan for data collection spend too much time during the measure phase going in circles hunting for data, collecting data, and measuring everything in sight.…
