From the course: Six Sigma Foundations

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Pilot test and implement

Pilot test and implement

- How often do you dip your toes into the water to test its temperature, before diving in to the pool? That is similar to doing a pilot test before a full-scale implementation of improvements. Let's discuss the importance of pilot testing and planning prior to implementation. First, what is a pilot? A pilot is the trial run, a dry run, or a small-scale test to make sure the the improvements will work as planned. It is an opportunity for the Six Sigma project team to understand how the improvement solutions will work on a very limited, or small-scale basis, before a full-scale implementation. Pilots enable any kinks or problems to be uncovered and fixed. Before the project team rolls out improvements plant-wide, division-wide, or company-wide, across all locations. The importance of doing a pilot cannot be emphasized enough. For example, when improvements are made to a machine or a process, it is best to pilot it first in…
