From the course: Six Sigma Foundations

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Key roles of executives and champions

Key roles of executives and champions

From the course: Six Sigma Foundations

Key roles of executives and champions

- Within Six Sigma there are terms like Six Sigma executives and champions. In this movie we'll cover who they are and their roles. We'll discuss how critical these roles are in driving the success of Six Sigma. Let's start from the top, executives. Who are the executives? Executives are the CEO and his or her direct reports, the C suite, the COO, the CFO, CIO, and so on and senior management such as vice presidents and directors. Once the decision has been made to implement Six Sigma, the role of executives and senior management is to deploy Six Sigma projects as a means to achieve the organization's strategic and annual goals, establish project selection criteria, review and select projects, assign project champions, and review updates from champions, and provide resources as needed. The champion, also known as the project champion, is the executive team's point person who is tasked with ensuring project success.…
