From the course: Six Sigma Foundations

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Introduction to hypothesis testing

Introduction to hypothesis testing

From the course: Six Sigma Foundations

Introduction to hypothesis testing

- If you've ever watched a crime or detective show, you know that that's usually a crime committed first thing at the start of the show. And what usually follows is that detectives pursue leads to test various theories. And maybe one theory is that the Butler committed the crime. And now the theory is the business partner is a guilty one and so on. Based on your experience and expertise, the detectives will select the likely theories to pursue. They work on each selected theory by gathering any evidence, facts and data. If there is insufficient evidence to support a theory, they stop pursuing that theory. However, if there is sufficient evidence to support a theory, they will make an arrest. Theories also called hypothesis. This is an example of theory testing or hypothesis testing. So what is hypothesis testing? Hypothesis testing is sometimes called the scientific method. A theory or hypothesis is proposed. Then data…
