From the course: Six Sigma Foundations

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Identify potential projects

Identify potential projects

From the course: Six Sigma Foundations

Identify potential projects

- At this point in the course, you may be asking yourself how do I identify potential projects for Six Sigma? What screening criteria should be used? And given the company's limited bandwidth, how do I prioritize the projects? Funny you should ask. In this movie, we'll discuss how best to identify potential projects for Six Sigma. Then we'll talk about how to screen them and how to prioritize them for launch. Here's a handy checklist for identifying potential Six Sigma projects. Start with the company's or department's annual goals. Ask yourself, what improvements are needed? How do you plan to achieve those improvements? What Six Sigma projects would help you achieve those goals? Identify performance gaps in key metrics, key performance indicators, or KPIs. Do these performance gaps have to be closed? Review performance reports on products, services, and processes. Identify the areas with performance shortfalls. They…
