From the course: Six Sigma Foundations

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How to use SPC charts

How to use SPC charts

- After all the hard work we've done, how can we monitor performance levels? I have the chart for you. It's called the Control Chart or SPC Chart. What does SPC stand for? SPC stands for Statistical Process Control. Don't let the name scare you. The purpose of the Control Chart or SPC Chart is to indicate to you when to leave the process alone and when to intervene and troubleshoot, why? So that you don't react to random variation. Regardless of how well designed a process is, there will always be some variation, and even under the best operating conditions. That variation is, random variation. You experience random variation every day. For example, when you go to work in the morning. Let's say your commuting time averages 30 minutes. Some mornings, it may take you 25 minutes, and other mornings, 34 minutes. Nothing special happened, should you change your route as a result of this random variation? No, you don't want…
