From the course: Six Sigma Foundations

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How to use SIPOC diagrams

How to use SIPOC diagrams

- Would it be nice if you had something that provides an overall view of any process, what's involved and who's involved? There is such a thing, it's called a SIPOC diagram spelled, S-I-P-O-C. SIPOC is an acronym for Supplier, Input, Process, Output, Customer. The purpose of the SIPOC diagram is to help the Six Sigma project team document and communicate the overall scope of the processes related to the project on one page. Useful features are the SIPOC are the high level bird's eye view of the process, its inputs and outputs and the lists of the suppliers and customers. In other words, the stakeholders of the project. The SIPOC diagram has five columns with the headings of Supplier, Input, Process, Output and Customer. Start with the middle column, the P or Process column. Starting at the top of this column, major steps of the process relevant to the project are drawn as rectangular boxes in sequential order top-down. The…
