From the course: Six Sigma Foundations

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How to analyze graphs and charts

How to analyze graphs and charts

From the course: Six Sigma Foundations

How to analyze graphs and charts

- Customers are complaining about pizza crust. The pizza chain is losing revenue. A Six Sigma project team is now in the analyze phase. Potential x's were generated, and a few x's were selected to be tested and validated. One potential x is that one or two locations is causing all the crust problems. Another potential x is that the crust problem is caused by variation in oven temperatures. We can use graphs and charts to help validate key x's during the analyze phase. For example, let's address the first potential x mentioned in this analysis. Since the number of crust complaints is discrete or count data, a bar chart, or Pareto chart is appropriate. But if I want to prioritize the locations based on the number of crust complaints, then the Pareto chart is the more suitable graph. Here is the Pareto chart of pizza crust complaints across locations. Looking at the Pareto chart, we can conclude that yes, the crust problem is…
