From the course: Six Sigma Foundations

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Generate, evaluate, and select solutions

Generate, evaluate, and select solutions

From the course: Six Sigma Foundations

Generate, evaluate, and select solutions

- What is that old saying about insanity? Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results? Such insanity is exactly what you don't want to do when you develop solutions for your project. Let's discuss how you should generate, evaluate, and select solutions. To generate ideas and potential solutions, use brainstorming and other creative thinking techniques. One such technique, taken from Edward de Bono, is six thinking hats. This technique calls for members of the team to wear different colored hats where each color represents a thinking role. Such as optimism, devil's advocate, creativity, and so on. Basically, the person wearing that hat takes on that personality. Another technique is anti-brainstorming, where you brainstorm how to make things worse. The project team shouldn't be the only ones coming up with creative solutions. You want to get the help subject matter experts, process owners…
