From the course: Six Sigma Foundations

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Defects per million opportunities

Defects per million opportunities

From the course: Six Sigma Foundations

Defects per million opportunities

- Let's imagine that you are the CEO of a company with two divisions, one makes markers, and the other makes notebook PCs. The marker division reported that quality is at two defects per unit, the PC division also reported a quality of two defects per unit. Are the two divisions performing at the same quality level? The answer is no. In this movie, I will discuss a more accurate way for calculating performance using the concept of defect opportunity and the metric call DPMO, or Defects Per Million Opportunities. Let's continue with that example. How many things can possibly go wrong in a marker? Perhaps five such as the pen can leak, the cap doesn't stay on, the ink color is wrong, and so on. These possibilities for defects in each marker are called defect opportunities. So let's assume that there are five defect opportunists per unit for the marker. Now how many things can possibly go wrong in a notebook PC? The…
