From the course: Six Sigma Foundations

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Data collection in the Analyze phase

Data collection in the Analyze phase

From the course: Six Sigma Foundations

Data collection in the Analyze phase

- If you ever watched or read "A Tale of Sherlock Holmes" you know that he does not just stumble upon evidence. He has a rigorous plan for gathering information and evidence. He considers how he will collect it, who he will talk to and where he should go. He has a plan for data collection. So, let's imagine ourselves as Sherlock Holmes and let's discuss how to plan for data collection to test hypotheses during the analyze phase of a Six Sigma project. Planning for data collection in the analyze phase starts with the following questions. What is the theory or hypothesis to be tested? For example, you suspect that oven temperatures used are not consistent from store to store or from chef to chef, even within the same store. What type of hypothesis test should be used? For example, do we want to test for differences among groups? In this case, differences in average oven temperatures between pizza stores or between the chefs…
