From the course: Six Sigma Foundations

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Critical to quality metrics

Critical to quality metrics

From the course: Six Sigma Foundations

Critical to quality metrics

- When you order pizza for delivery, what's important to you? Well, you probably don't want to wait too long, and you definitely don't want cold pizza. Don't want to wait too long, and don't want cold pizza are what's important to customers, but these are expressed from the customer's viewpoint. These are what we call the Voice of the Customer, or VOC. VOC are needs and expectations expressed in the customer's language. Now, put yourself in the shoes of the pizza restaurant owner. How can you make these words meaningful to your employees as they make and deliver pizzas everyday? You will have to translate them from the customer's language into language that your employees can relate to when they perform their work. Put another way, you have to translate the Voice of the Customer into Critical-to-Quality Requirements, or CTQs. What are CTQs? CTQs are the performance characteristics of a process, product, or service,…
