From the course: Security Tips: Metadata

Security tips: Metadata

- [Scott] Metadata is information that describes other data. And while it sounds like it might not be that important, it's really quite critical in modern computing. Metadata often stores information that can be sensitive if misused. I'm Scott Simpson, and if you're curious about how file metadata works, I hope you'll join me for this course. We'll take a look at metadata that's embedded within files and metadata that's stored in the file system instead of inside files. We'll move between Windows, Linux, and macOS to explore the risks that various kinds of metadata, or the lack of it, can present when we share files with others or copy files between different platforms. This course provides a high-level technical look at various kinds of metadata, so if something catches your interest, be sure to explore other more in-depth courses on that topic here at LinkedIn Learning. Let's go.
