From the course: SAP S/4 HANA Financial Accounting Overview

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Accounts Receivable: Correspondence and Reporting

Accounts Receivable: Correspondence and Reporting - SAP ERP Tutorial

From the course: SAP S/4 HANA Financial Accounting Overview

Accounts Receivable: Correspondence and Reporting

- [Instructor] Another common task is generating accounts receivable correspondence. Here we have the Print Correspondence Requests Fiori app, and in the A/R module this is really used to any information that is sent from SAP to the customer is called correspondence, so common examples are account statements, open item lists, account balance confirmations, or any standard letters via email or paper mail. And there's different output types. You can have printed letters, PDFs, or electronic messaging in XML format as an example. And you can have different correspondence templates for different legal and corporate branding requirements, for instance, your logo or tax numbers. For accounts receivable there's also a specific type of correspondence called dunning. And here's a Fiori app called Create Dunning Notices. When a customer falls past due on outstanding invoices, the dunning program allows you to take action on delinquent customers. So in SAP the concept is called the dunning run…
