From the course: Salesforce Essential Training

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How to create tasks

How to create tasks

- [Presenter] The tasks feature in Salesforce is a hidden gem that I don't want you to overlook. Task records are a reminder of something that needs to be done or a log of an activity that you've already completed. Your company likely requires that you track all activity with customers and leads. That is very common in sales and account management so let's look at the few places in Salesforce that you can create task records and I'll show you an efficient way to view your upcoming or overdue tasks. First, you can create a new task from the global action menu. This is the option to use when you suddenly remember something and want to capture it but you don't want to interrupt something else that you're working on. You bring up this doced task record, add a subject, take a moment to capture something descriptive so that when you see this on your list later, you remember what you thought you needed to do. Add a due…
