From the course: Salesforce Essential Training

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How to create an opportunity

How to create an opportunity - Salesforce Tutorial

From the course: Salesforce Essential Training

How to create an opportunity

- [Instructor] As soon as you have an indication from your customer that they're interested to buy products or services, you'll create an opportunity record. Let's review the ways that you can do that. First is by adding the opportunity to the existing account record. We use this approach when the customer is already listed in Salesforce and has a relationship with us and we've worked with them on past deals. Navigate to the account record. And from the related tab, scroll down to see the opportunities section. If there is a past deal that is very similar, I can clone it or I can click the New button and I see the screen to populate all the fields for this opportunity. The opportunity name is a descriptive name to represent this deal. Your sales team may have a specific naming convention for opportunities so be sure to ask about that. Account name is copied over from the account record where we started. The type…
