From the course: Root Cause Analysis: Getting to the Root of Business Problems

Cause and effect in business

- Would you like to make your job easier, less complex? Of course, you would. Who wouldn't? One way to do that is to solve problems so that they don't recur. This means moving from simply patching a problem to actually solving it. Think of a problem as the leaves on a tree. You might cut off a leaf or two, but the leaves will grow back because the roots of the tree are still causing the leaves to grow. If we want to stop problems from growing and repeating, we need to understand and address the root causes. My name is Sam Yankelevitch. I'm an author and trainer, and after more than 30 years in business, I still use a few simple yet effective root cause analysis tools that have helped me and my clients solve problems. Let me show you, step-by-step, through case studies and illustrations, how to analyze a problem so you can find the root causes and apply effective solutions.
