From the course: Quick Start Guide to SQL

How to use the exercise files

From the course: Quick Start Guide to SQL

How to use the exercise files

- [Instructor] In this course we'll be using for coding. Here we can run scripts or also write our own SQL statements and run them to view the output. The best part is that it is absolutely free. In the beginning of the course, we need to make sure to follow two important steps. First step is to sign up with an email address in Once you do that, then we log in using our credentials. I'm logging in first. Now that we have logged in, the second step is to run the initial script file. This will help us to get started working on data from day one. For that, first go to the menu on the top left corner. You can actually see the menu now. But if you cannot, just click on this and it'll show you the menu. Now click on my scripts. There is an option to upload scripts. Here, select the file from exercise folder 00_02 and then choose. Now give it a name as initial code. If you want, you can give it a detailed description or you could just give initial code again and then upload the script. Now it shows script uploaded. Once it has been uploaded, run the script file. Just click run script. This might take a while. Once you get the message saying success, you can just close this and it's as simple as that. Now, as the course progresses, we writing more code to understand the various concepts. I will be providing the exercise files in the exercise folder, which will look like this. These are the exercise files. Now you can make use of these files either to directly run them as scripts like I have shown you earlier or just follow along with me and write the code with me and use these exercise files for future reference.
