From the course: Quick Start Guide to SQL

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Character functions

Character functions

- [Instructor] Now let's learn about the various character functions. There are two types of character functions. Case manipulation and character manipulation functions. Case manipulation functions are LOWER, UPPER and INITCAP. Character manipulation functions are CONCAT, SUBSTRING, LENGTH, INSTRING LPAD/RPAD, TRIM and Replace. First, let's take a look at the case manipulation functions. LOWER is a function which converts the alpha character values to lowercase letters and then returns it. UPPER converts them to uppercase and returns those. INITCAP converts them to camel case and then returns it. Camel case means first letter is uppercase and the remaining letters are in lowercase. Let's take a few examples for these. If I give SELECT LOWER, HELLO World FROM DUAL and I run this, it converts all the letters to lowercase. Similarly, if I give UPPER here, it converts everything to uppercase. And if I'm giving INITCAP,…
