From the course: PyTorch Essential Training: Deep Learning

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Why should you use PyTorch

Why should you use PyTorch

- [Instructor] PyTorch is a Python library that facilitates building deep learning projects. PyTorch provides Python with easily run array-based calculations, allowing it to build dynamic neural networks and perform auto differentiation with a strong graphics processing unit or GPU acceleration. These are the most important features required for deep learning development. PyTorch was developed by researchers and engineers from the Facebook AI Research, FAIR division, to process large-scale image analysis, including object detection, segmentation, and classification. It was written using Python and C languages. PyTorch was initially released in September, 2016, and its free and open-source under the modified BSD license, so its development involves many contributions from the community. But what makes PyTorch useful to us? PyTorch is the world's fastest growing deep learning library for three main reasons, its simplicity, flexibility, and Python interface. This is what makes PyTorch…
