From the course: Project Management Skills for Leaders

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Draft a project charter

Draft a project charter

- One of the most effective tools in the project manager's toolbox that every leader should use, hands down, is the project charter. It's a document that outlines key expectations, and elements of the project, and it provides a sense of focus for everybody. The truth is that when we engage in external agreements, there's almost always some sort of clearly documented contract, agreement, statement of work, something formal that outlines terms and conditions, and other expectations. We need to apply that same concept, even if not the same level of detail, to internal projects as well. The goal, as always, is to minimize miscommunications, and ensure everyone is operating from the same sheet of music. So what's typically in this project charter? While official project management methodology may reference a project charter as a formal document authorizing the work, for practical purposes, for most leaders, I like to also…
