From the course: Project Management: Healthcare Projects

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Data entry and accuracy

Data entry and accuracy

- Let's delve a bit into the healthcare IT world to discuss data entry and accuracy. We've all heard the phrase, garbage in, garbage out. In healthcare systems, we can't afford to have garbage anywhere. Data accuracy and integrity must be built into our solutions to prevent medical issues. Fortunately, there are standards to guide us. Health level seven or HL7 is a range of global standards for the transfer of clinical and administrative health data between applications. The HL7 standard ensures data's moved accurately between application systems such as billing, medication management, and patient information. If you follow the HL7 standards when designing your healthcare applications, you can ensure your data's being transferred securely and accurately. The last thing you want is data to be lost or changed as it's transferred from one application to another. If your solution is interfacing with applications written by another vendor, the HL7 standard ensures data transfer…
