From the course: Primavera P6 Essential Training

User Preferences

- [Instructor] Now, before using the Primavera P6 system, you want to ensure that you set the user preferences. I'll go over the three main tabs. I'll go to Edit user preferences, and first, the Time Units tab. You want to make sure to set your unit of time to hour. Show the unit label as it's displayed here. For the durations format, you want to set the unit of time to day, and show the duration label. Please ensure that show as units and duration is shown, as this does affect your resources. For the Dates tab, we want to keep the format at day, month, and year. Again, you can go with your preferred choice. I also like to keep my time within a 12 hour time frame. You can choose to show the minutes or leave it unchecked. Lastly, under the Application tab, for your application startup window, meaning whenever you first log into Primavera, you can choose the window that you would like to see. I prefer to have it open into projects, so that I can access my projects. Select Close of confirm, and that's it.
