From the course: Primavera P6 Essential Training

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Adding an activity constraint

Adding an activity constraint - Primavera Tutorial

From the course: Primavera P6 Essential Training

Adding an activity constraint

- [Instructor] To add an activity constraint, I'm going to open up my project. Now, with my assessments due no later than April 6th, I will apply a finish on or before constraint to create assessment questions. First, you need to make sure it's selected. Then, in the status tab, I'm going to make use of the constraint section, and select a dropdown, which shows different options to choose from. This generally applies based on activity type. As for now, I'm going to select finish on or before, and show it as April 6th, 2018, 4:00 p.m. I'm going to go ahead and schedule the project, using the schedule icon or F9. Select Schedule. You will notice that no change was made. Although, if you notice, on the finish column you will see an asterisk, indicating there's a constraint. I'm going to go ahead and change this to four days, and then reschedule. You will notice that our bars are still red, indicating we're on a critical path, even though we're finishing the project a day early. I'm going…
